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Licence e-learning : "Electrical authorisations - B0 / H0 / H0V"

110,00 € HT
Impuestos excluidos

Training content

Initial training mode: the learner follows all the chapters and is assessed at the end of the course.

Refresher mode: placement tests enable the learners to automatically provide the appropriate training based on their knowledge. The refresher duration varies depending on the learners’ profiles.


Chapter 1: Regulatory and Standard Context
Chapter 2: Basics of Electricity
Chapter 3: Risk Analysis Related to Electricity
Chapter 4: Operations and Certification Levels
Chapter 5: Electrical Hazards Prevention
Chapter 6: Fires and Accidents Caused by Electricity

Évaluation des connaissances

After each chapter, you gain access to a downloadable summary on “ key points ”. The learner will be able to consult this document whenever necessary.

Product including numerous videos and 3D animations, for a better appropriation of knowledge by the learners.


Stagiaires à inscrire

    Type de formation
    Nom du stagiaire
    Prénom du stagiaire